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How to Trade Forex in a Slow Market (Low Volatility)

Most forex traders would have come across this phrase somewhere along their trading journey: “The trend is your friend, until it ends.” Many make the mistake of trading in all market conditions or...

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Draft for infographics - Trading Journal Matters According to Stock and Forex Traders

We’ve asked several traders, both stock and Forex traders:

  • Do you keep a trading journal? 
  • What data do you record/document? 
  • How does journalling your trades help you in any way? 

The response is...

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6 Strategies Guaranteed to Improve Your Trading Skills Fast

Do you know why some Forex traders manage to stay in the game for a long time and are successful at it?

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5 Most Popular Forex Indicators: Definition, Pros and Cons

A trading approach rooted in technical analysis tends to simplify Forex trading on the basis of price action. But with all the technical indicators available, choosing the best one or two can feel...

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5 Destructive Traders and What You Can Do to Not Become Them

You were so sure that your trading setup will bring you huge profits, but...

It hits a stop loss. It totally went against you. 

Does this sound familiar?

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How to Profit More from Trading Gold: Insider Tips You Should Know

Gold is considered a safe-haven investment that acts as a safety net during a recession or when markets decline. However, as history has shown, gold prices have not always been on an upward...

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How to Effectively Set SMART Financial Goals and Actually Achieve Them

It's three weeks into January 2021. How are you doing so far with your financial to-do list? 

If you've implemented the financial checklist we've shared with you, you should be at the goal-setting...

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How You Can Get Started on MT5 on the Fullerton Markets Platform

Ready to trade on the MT5 platform?

With so much to offer investors and traders, Fullerton Markets wants to provide you with the choice to explore and use MT5 and its features alongside your MT4...

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How to Open a CopyPip Account and Navigate the CopyPip Platform

CopyPip is Fullerton Markets' copy trading platform where strategy providers and followers can enjoy mutual benefits. The former earn performance fees on top of their trading profit, while the latter...

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What Does Negative Interest Rate Mean?

To understand negative interest rates, we need to understand the mechanics of why central banks cut or raise interest rates.

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